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The Afropolitan

Fashion, Culture, Lifestyle, and Emerging Technology

The Afropolitan Editorial

Jendaya, Africa's leading luxury e-commerce marketplace adds cultural context and community with The Afropolitan Editorial. Get a daily dose of fashion news, an exposé on culture, lifestyle, and the latest fashion technology innovations from the leading voices on the global luxury fashion industry.

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5 African Trendsetters Share Their Biggest Lessons Learned During the Pandemic
The pandemic is not over. 2020 was a whirlwind – and navigating these strange times now into 2021 may be equally as confusing. To share some hope, we reached out to 5 African trendsetters. They share their biggest lessons and provided insight into how they stay motivated.
African Models Taking the Fashion Industry by Storm
These influential young African models have been blazing the runways for prestigious brands, capturing the attention of audiences all around the world on multiple occasions. 
Thrill Digital CEO Alex “Delz” Erinle Talks VR Gaming Technology and the Future of Ecom
We got a team of 10 minority creative technologists together initially and started experimenting and building 3D pipelines for different digital fashion use cases like lifelike avatars, digital clothes, digital Accessories, AR filters etcetera. 


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